# Deja.pm # Copyright (c) 1998 by Martin Thurn # $Id: Deja.pm,v 1.2 2000/02/24 14:44:41 mthurn Exp $ =head1 NAME WWW::Search::Deja - class for www.deja.com searching =head1 SYNOPSIS require WWW::Search; $search = new WWW::Search('Deja'); my $sQuery = WWW::Search::escape_query("stupid Virginia school snow closings"); $oSearch->native_query($sQuery); while (my $oResult = $oSearch->next_result()) { print $oResult->url, "\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements the Deja.com search (specializing WWW::Search). It handles making and interpreting Deja.com searches F. See the documentation for WWW::Search::Dejanews for details, usage, options, etc. This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects. =head1 TESTING This module just points everything to Dejanews.pm; there is no local testing. =head1 AUTHOR C was written by Martin Thurn =cut ##################################################################### package WWW::Search::Deja; require WWW::Search::Dejanews; @ISA = qw(WWW::Search::Dejanews); $VERSION = '2.05'; $MAINTAINER = 'Martin Thurn '; $TEST_CASES = '1'; # ALL the work is done by Dejanews.pm! 1;